As you can tell by Frankie (of Eric Powell's awesome series, The Goon) and the other little doodles popping up here and there, getting a little burned out on model sheets. So as I'm powering on through the lessons, you'll see more of that stuff popping in and out.
I am a fan of the Mountain Goats, and the line just felt appropriate here, I dunno This is based off a photo by a friend of mine, Daniel DeLuca, a rather talented photographer. This was a shoot for another friend who is an aspiring model and this doesn't do her justice by a longshot in my opinion. But she liked it, so it's going up.
I'm a big fan of superhero comics and the idea of superheroes in general, but I try to limit how much of it I draw because I feel like there's a certain style that goes with that genre and drawing too much of it can really be confining and no fun at all. Manhunter here is one of those tragic characters who, although made incredibly interesting and deep by other media, has very lackluster comic exposure if any. There are a ton of characters like this, and if I feel inspired again I might do a few more. You all know how fickle I am. This take on J'onny-boy is based off those Easter Island heads, because I feel like that's such a perfect alien design and he's usually halfway there anyhow.